Author = Tavakoli, Vahid
The impact of depositional, diagenetic and tectonic processes on the pore network evolution of the Sarvak reservoir, Sarkan Oil Field, Lurestan zone

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 09 November 2024


Mersad Moeini; Vahid Tavakoli; Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab

Controls of depositional facies on porosity–permeability distribution in the Upper Dalan and Kangan formations in a field in the eastern Persian Gulf

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 December 2024


Sanaz Karami; Vahid Tavakoli; Hamzeh Mehrabi

Sedimentary environment, diagenesis and evolution of reservoir characteristics of the Sarvak Formation in the Sarvestan Oil Field, SE Shiraz

Volume 2, Issue 3, November 2014, Pages 30-47

H. Rahimpour-Bonab; A. Jamalian; V. Tavakoli; R. Sarmadi; A.R. Yamini

reservoir zonation of Bangestan group in the Sarkan field based on the sedimentology and petrophysics characteristics

Volume 2, Issue 4, February 2014, Pages 50-74

M Moeini; H Rahimpor; V Tavakoli; M Moradpour; S Madanipour; H Rezapanah