Carbonat facies,Microfaciesand sequence Stratigraphy of the Permian Rocks in Bagh-e-Vang Section (Tabas)



Permian rocks of Bagh-e-Vang section with the age of Bolorian-Dorashamian (Jamal Formation) consist of carbonate rocks. These rocks overlie Sardar and underlie Sorkh Shale formations. Petrographic studies show that these rocks can be divided into 13 calcareous microfacies. Integration and results of microscopic studies and field evidence have demonstrated that the mentioned calcareous microfacies have deposited in 4 sub-environment of shore, lagoon, bar and open sea. The lack of build-up, slump and flows resulting from turbidity is an indication that Permian carbonate platform of Bagh-e-Vang section is of homoclinal ramp type. The formation and development of this carbonate platform is simultaneous with sea transgression in Belorian. Based on field observations, thin sections study and sedimentary facies, 2 third-order sequences and 1 second-order sequences were recognized. Each sequence consists of a few shallowing upward para-sequence.These sequences with both type 1 and 2 sequence boundaries are recognized in carbonat deposits.The Upper Permian sequences in the study area are correlated global sea – leve curve.
