Investigating the effects of monsoon on the textural characteristics of sediments sediments in the Iranian part of the continental plateau of the North Sea of Oman (Chabahar Bay to Pasbandar)


1 Ph.D Student of Sedimentology and Sedimentary petrology,University of Hormozgan-Research stuff, Research and Technology Station of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, Chabahar

2 Associate Professor/ University of Hormozgan

3 Assistant Professor, National Research Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, Research and Technology Station of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, Bandar Abbas

4 Ph.D, Sedimentology and Sedimentary rock, University of Hormozgan


In this research, the effect of monsoon phenomenon on the textural characteristics of the sediments of Iranian coasts of the Oman Sea was investigated. For this purpose, necessary sampling was done from 13 stations based on marine sedimentological standards. According to the amounts of sand, silt and clay in the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon samples, the sedimentary types of sand, clayey sand, sandy clay and clay were identified in the studied stations. Granulometric analysis showed that the amount of sand and clay in pre-monsoon samples of shallow and near-shore stations (Tiss, Desalination, Center of the Bay, Ramin, Beris and Pasabandar) range from 43 to 97 and 0 – 27%, respectively. On the other hand, these values change between 8 – 45% and 54 - 82 % in deep and offshore stations, respectively. The amount of sand and clay in post-monsoon samples of shallow and near-shore stations vary between 68% - 96% and 0% - 13%, respectively. The amount of sand and clay in deep stations and far from the coast in post-monsoon samples fluctuates between 8-22% and 58-86%. The amount of organic matter in sediments varies between 1 and 3% in most of the studied stations and is within the normal range. This amount showed a slight increase in Konarak and Ramin stations due to human pollutants and fine-grained sedimentary texture. The low amount of organic matter in the desalination station can be caused by the inflow of more saline wastewater into the bay environment
