Petrography and geochemical study of Garadagh Permian dolomite section, south of Urmia Lake


1 Department of Geology Faculty of Sciences Urmia University Iran

2 Geology Department,Faculty of Sciences Urmia University


In this study, the dolomitic part of the Permian deposits in the Qaradagh section, located in the south of Lake Urmia, has been studied and investigated from the perspective of lithology and geochemistry. 92 samples were collected from the 202-meter-thick section. The petrographic studies were conducted by use of polarizing microscope, whereas the geochemical studies were accomplished using AAS method. The petrographic studies were carried out based on textural classification and based on that, two general groups of primary dolomites (at the same time as sedimentation) and secondary dolomites (after sedimentation) were identified. Primary dolomites include dolomicrites (very fine crystals) and secondary dolomites include sparites and dolomites filling holes. The geochemical studies are focused on main elements including Ca and Mg, and rare elements including Fe, Na, Si and Mn. Combining results from lithostratigraphic studies and elemental analysis, the formation environment of the studied dolomites concluded as follow: dolomicrites are deposited in supra-tidal to upper parts and inter-tidal zones, sparites are deposited in a shallow burial environment, and pore-filling dolomites are deposited in a deep burial environment by dolomitic fluids.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 17 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 27 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 14 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 17 July 2024