Presentation of the sedimentary phenomena related to geoturism of the Rageh Valley in the southeast of Rafsanjan, west of Kerman: Emphasis on the analysis of lithofacies and sedimentary environment



Rageh valley is located 30 km southeast of Rafsanjan city. This valley formed by Givdari River on an old alluvial fan. Givderi river originates from Sarcheshme mountains (part of Dehj-Sardoiyeh belt) and after passing through the mountains, it enters the Givderi alluvial fan. Gravel facies association are considered the most important lithofacies forming the Rageh Valley succession, which are often formed during the flow of debris flows and sheetfloods in the upper and middle parts of the alluvial fan. Downstream of Rageh Valley, sandy and mud facies along with gravel facies association are observed, that reflects the influence of river currents in their formation. The constant flow of this river along with the active tectonics of the region has caused continuous changes in the bed and walls of the valley, which are important from the point of view of geotourism. The unique phenomena of Rageh Valley can be divided into three categories: structures and erosions, gorges and waterways, and discontinuity levels. In the meantime, the structures and works resulting from water and wind erosion are more prominent. Among the most important of these structures, we can mention columnar mounds, sugar cones, elf chimneys, and debris. Introducing and knowing the geological phenomena of Rageh Valley can be useful in attracting tourists as well as registering the Geopark.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 23 December 2024
  • Receive Date: 23 November 2024
  • Revise Date: 13 December 2024
  • Accept Date: 23 December 2024