Study of sedimentological indices of alluviums of Khorramrood River (Khorramabad city) and evaluation of their suitability for use as concrete aggregate


1 Associate Professor of Geology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Lorestan University

2 Ph. D., student sedimentology and sedimentary rocks, Faculty of Science, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran, and Expert of the Central Laboratory of Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Geology, Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability, Federation University, Ballarat 3350, VIC, Australia 3350, VIC, Australia


The aim of the study present is to investigate the sedimentological indices of sediments of Khorramrood River (Khorramabad city) using the moment’s method, and determining the origin and how they are transported, and finally, the potential of aforementioned river sediments for use as concrete aggregate. In this regard, 15 samples were taken from the river. According to gradation analysis, sediments fall into the four groups including gravel sand, sand gravel, sand gravel, and sand gravel. The average of sediments sorting was equal to 2.21 φ, indicating the very bad sorting of sediments. The average of elongation index and skewness of grains is 1.82 and 0.13, respectively, showing that they are skewed towards fine-grained sediments. The jumping, and suspension were identified as the most main mechanisms of sediment movements. The detrital components of sediments include quartz, feldspar, and sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock-fragments. The erosion of sedimentary rocks of Khorramabad anticline can be considered as the main source of sedimentary rock-fragments of river. The origin of other grains such as quartz, feldspar, and igneous and metamorphic rock-fragments can be attributed to their transportation from the upstream. The Khorramrood River is a meandering river, periodically attacked by destructive floods, so that the very poor sorting of sediments is due to the floods of region. Finally, the results of the gradation analysis showed that among the studied sediment samples, 2 of them were suitable to use as concrete aggregate.
